Birth Certificate, Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, 94, Woodford Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies ‎(S15)‎
Titulo Birth Certificate, Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, 94, Woodford Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
Autor E Johnson, Registrar, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
Publicação Record of birth
Número de chamada Serial No B 133561

Imagem de destaque: N

Birth Certificate Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West IndiesBirth Certificate Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies  ‎(M116)‎

Nota: Some details illegible

Birth Certificate, Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, 94, Woodford Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies

INDINomeNascimentoAniversárioLocalFilhosMorteAniversárioIdadeLocalAtualizado em
1I8McCartney, Harry Alston

Total Pessoas : 1

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